The Five Stages of a Tourist’s Customer Journey

According to the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) [López de Ávila A., 2011], a tourist’s customer journey (the process that characterizes the interaction between consumer and brand, from need to purchase and post-purchase) consists of 5 stages [Fig. 1]: Fig. 1 – The Tourist’s Customer Journey (own elaboration) The Dreaming stage is the most critical phase […]

“A tourist experience is what you remember”

Using Porter’s classic strategic model, several factors have changed in the digital age, which are essential to understand in order to define an appropriate marketing and communication strategy (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 – Classic Porter’s Model (Author’s elaboration) Indeed, with the advent of the Internet, low-cost flights, and the era of personalized tourist experiences, the […]

Smart Technologies for a Memorable Tourist Experience in the 2020s

The 2020s have seen a surge in the implementation of innovative digital technologies in the tourism sector.In an age where digitalization is no longer a trend but a reality, the extensive use of smart techs has become essential within the tourism industry.These technologies empower tourists, making them more active, and raise their expectations in terms […]