The Digital Communication Plan for Tourism – Part X: Budget

Budget by formatoriginal

Any communication activity entails a series of economic costs and human resources that need to be estimated during the planning phase to ensure that the necessary resources are available to carry out the activity.

There is no one-size-fits-all communication budget template, but the main items typically include:

  • Human resources costs (organizational structure, agencies, and external collaborators)
  • Costs for content creation (text, translations, photos, videos, printed materials, etc.)
  • Expenses for hospitality and transportation for press, operators, influencers
  • Costs for ICT services
  • Advertising campaigns and special communication projects
  • (if applicable) Costs for info points and tourists assistance activities in the area

Click here for Part I ; Click here for Part II ; Click here for part III; Click here for Part IV

Click here for Part V ; Click here for Part VI ; Click here for Part VII ; Click here for Part VIII

Click here for Part IX


#Budget; #CommunicationCosts; #HumanResources; #ContentCreation; #HospitalityExpenses; #TransportationExpenses; #ICTServices; #AdvertisingCampaigns; #CommunicationProjects; #TouristsAssistanceCosts; #InformationActivities

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